Mastering Love & Managing Pain

About Us

You can count on us and our professional experience to get you back on the right track.

About I.C.C

Innovative Centered Counseling

Sick and tired of being controlled by your emotions and negative thoughts? Are you tormented by memories from your past or present events, pain that has a hold around your heart and is keeping you from fulfilling your purpose in life?


If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then welcome to Innovative Centered Counseling where our goal is to help you find purpose beyond the pain.


Our professional office is definitely the right place for you. We find it a privilege to help clients achieve solutions for a wide range of personal and mental health issues including depression, anxiety, anger, suicidal thoughts, addictions, physical and sexual abuse recovery, relationship problems, and adjustment issues.

We are a dynamic therapeutic counseling center, known for our creative style of counseling, consultant, and training services. We help our clients become aware of the key ingredients to their love and we teach them about their pain languages.


We evaluate, stabilize and develop a realistic plan to help our clients find their purpose beyond their painful experiences by helping them manage their painful memories and giving them the tools to create new memories.

Negative events can cause you to develop toxic emotions and irrational thoughts that stagnate your life and causes you to lose sight of your goals and even your purpose. 


“Our passion is to teach you how to master the event, that developed the emotions and formed the irrational thoughts that have you imprisoned. EET has now created a false self within you. ICC offers a purpose-driven Cognitive Behavioral therapy that is guaranteed to produce a life-changing experience.”-Moses Chism

Fact Sheet on pain languages

Abandonment | Abuse | Anger | Fear | Confusion | Pride

Pain Languages are negative memoires that point to familiar pain.

Mental and Emotional barriers can cause thinking to change from rational to irrational and from logical to illogical. Prison Walls and thinking errors within your mind.

• Each language is distinctive in that it derives from negative experiences.
• Pain languages are formulated by life events or, more likely, disturbances that become emotional and mental barriers.

If a person is blind to his pain language, he will be blind to emotional and mental barriers.

The Manager: The manager deals with his pain language by staying aware of it and not allowing pain languages to control his life.
The Conformer: The conformer conforms to the same pain that was afflicted on him and afflicts it on others.
The Avoider: The avoider avoids the pain that was afflicted on him by trying to prevent it or trying to protect others from the pain they experience.

A dysfunctional tolerance (DT) is a person’s willingness to tolerate or accept constant conflict and abuse.

You should seek professional counseling:
• When you are recycling the same pain you experience in your past.
• When relationship has a strong disconnection over a period of time.
• When your relationship is constantly in conflict.

• When your relationship decreases in sexual and emotional intimacy.

• Many couples believe that they are falling in love when they are really falling in pain.
• After counseling thousands of dysfunctional couples, it appears to me that the only things they had in common were their pain.

  • True Self is your inner characteristics, gifts, and talents which formulate your personality.
  • False Self is the person you were conditioned to be by your painful experiences.

• The inner voice is our inner conscience that is built within us to guide us from day to day.
• The inner critic is the voice your conscious records and influences the choices you make.

• To be aware of your mental and emotional barriers.
• To understand your painful experiences.
• To deal with your issues not and not allow your issues to deal with you.
• To stop recycling your pain.
• To create healthy boundaries.
• To create healthy life skills and coping skills.

A person need to be aware of their pain because he or she can attract someone with their pain. Pain attracts pain.

• Cognitive Therapy: Cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model, which states that thoughts, feelings and behavior are all connected, and that individuals can move toward overcoming difficulties and meeting their goals by identifying and changing unhelpful or inaccurate thinking, problematic behavior, and distressing emotional responses.