Mastering Love & Managing Pain


Our goal is to assist families, schools, and communities while offering a whole wide range of innovative services that promote mental and emotional healing.

Explore our services

100% Tele-Health Due To The Pandemic.

Individual & Relationship

It is a form of therapy in which the client is treated one-on-one with a therapist to identify and treat the client’s issues and helps better prepare couples to enter into a healthy, happy, and long-term commitment.

Family & Blending

It is a form of therapy in which the client is treated one-on-one with a therapist to identify and treat the client’s issues and helps better prepare couples to enter into a healthy, happy, and long-term commitment.

Adolescence & Child Behavioral Modification

This therapy that offers treatment that provides tools and directions to help solve family issues, help couples who are entering into a blended family, and currently living as a blended family.

Grief, Depression & Anxiety Therapy

It is the form of therapy that helps the client overcome all type of griefs and also help manage mental challenges that cause symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Co-Dependence Therapy

It is the form of therapy that helps the client overcome different forms of co-dependence and helps them not to attract different forms of narcissism.

Seminars, Workshops & Conferences

It is a form of therapy that is conducted within an educational environment that provides training, classes, and in-depth therapeutic teaching.

Internship for LPC-A, Life Coaches

It is an internship supervision program for Licensed Professional Counselor Associates and Life Coaches to receive one-on-one supervision, group supervision, training, clinical therapeutic tools, additional education, and direction on starting your practice.

FMLA Intensive Therapy

The Short Term Disability Program is an intensive treatment program that can last up to 5-10 weeks and is designed to stabilize and address mental health issues by providing prolonged and frequent therapy sessions over a shorter period to accelerate your recovery.

Relationship Protocol

This is a 3 to 6-month relationship intensive program designed to empower couples to have more significant input in their marriage or relationship progression and enable couples to identify better, recognize, and change behavior practices based upon an agreed set of criteria.

“Before you know who you are learn what you are not”

– Dr. Moses Chism Jr.

ICC Inc Groups

Therapeutic Coping Classes

A Therapy Coping Class is a therapeutic, educational environment that is conducted by a Licensed Professional Counselor who provides therapeutic coping & life skills, educational tools, techniques, principles, and innovative ideas to help individuals and couples overcome life’s hardships. This segment of the class will last 45 minutes.

· Therapeutic Groups consist of 45 minutes of Q&A, class discussions, role plays, application of the tools, techniques, principles, and innovative ideas participants have learned.

· The objective of the TCC&G is to teach couples/individuals how to apply the therapeutic knowledge and tools given to enhance growth and development.

Pain Languages

This group is specially designed to teach and educate individuals about their pain languages. Pain Languages are patterns of pain that create emotional and mental barriers and alter one’s personality traits. There are six most common pain languages individuals suffer from which are abandonment, abuse, anger, fear, confusion, and pride. This group will teach individuals awareness along with the proper life and coping skills to move past the pain and rediscover their true self.

Master Love & Manage Pain Relationship Model!

Each treatment plan is tailored made to help couples with their detail issues, so thank you for trusting me with your relationship. This model is designed to help people who are in the dating process, pre-martial process, experiencing broken or distrust in their relationship, or living in a toxic relationship. Within this relationship model, it is my goal to help you formulate a healthy relationship and to decrease the overall divorce rate within our society. I am excited that you have chosen this opportunity to create, enhance, grow, rebuild, restore or reestablish your broken relationship.

It is my hope to teach you how to stop “falling in love” but how to “flow in love.”

One of my goals is to help you recognize your detailed love ingredients and bring awareness to your pain languages. Hoping that you can grow from being cellmates to soulmates. Within the next six months, you will need a strong desire, commitment, dedication, and a determination to re-develop your relationship.

I'm here for you
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