Mastering Love & Managing Pain

Mastering Love & Managing Pain

Take the following questionnaire to learn more about your pain languages and how to manage them.

Are you having issues within your relationships in any of these categories?

Communication, broken trust, anger, role confusion, unhealthy boundaries, sex, money, feelings of being devalued or disrespected?

Do you have issues with misunderstanding your mate or love ones?

Their moods, behaviors, triggers, and negative coping methods due to their painful experiences?

Are you trying to love someone the way you think they need to be loved?

You must love them the way they want to be loved according to their Purpose and their Love ingredients. Please know the difference.

Have you read The Five Love Languages book and other self-help books?

But even after reading such books, do you feel like there is still a disconnect between you and your partner or loved ones?

Have you answered 'yes'
to any of these questions?

If you have answered ‘Yes’ don’t worry, we can offer you detailed answers and solutions to all of your problems!


Welcome to Mastering Love and Managing Pain (ML&MP) the home of THE EIGHT LOVE ZONES and the SIX PAIN LANGUAGES and so much more! ML&MP is an innovative relationship curriculum model designed to equip all relationship genres with tools and fundamental principles to create and maintain a healthy human connection. 

Most Common questions asked

To master love and manage Pain means to flow in the accountability, responsibility and knowledge of loving yourself while teaching others how to give you your basic intimate needs in order to experience love fulfillment; along with managing your painful memories by creating healthy boundaries, coping, and life skills.

The Eight Loves Zones are a list of essential detailed intimate descriptions of requirements a person needs to experience productive human bonding and love fulfillment.

• Familiar unwanted languages of Pain that the brain records due to a pattern of painful experiences within a person memories.

• Pain Languages are Abandonment, Abuse, Anger, Fear, Confusion and Pride.

ML&MP is an innovative relationship curriculum model designed to equip all relationship genres with tools and fundamental principles to create and maintain a healthy human connection. This research observational relationship model was founded and formulated by Dr. Moses Chism Jr. after observing and treating thousands of couples, individuals, families, children, and adolescents in mental health.

Topics covered under ML& MP Curriculum